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Transportation Along The Silk Road

 Silk Road goods carried overland were not loaded onto camels and carried from China to Europe. Goods made their way westward in a piecemeal way, with a lot trading and loading and unloading at the caravan stops along the way.e2tSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

Different caravans carried goods during different sections, with traders coming from the west exchanging thing like gold, wool, horses or jade for silk coming from the east. The caravans stopped at fortresses and oases along the way, passing their loads from trader to trader, with each transaction increasing the price as the traders took their cut.e2tSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

Few people traveled the Silk Road from one end to the other as Marco Polo did. Many were simple traders who took goods from one town or oases to the next and then returned home, or they were horsemen who earned an income from trading and transporting goods between settled towns. e2tSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

Until fairly recently caravans with Bactrian camels were widely used in mountainous areas to carry flour, forage, cotton, salt, charcoal and other goods. In the 1970s, Silk Road routes were still used to carry enormous blocks of salt and caravanserai offered accommodation for less than few cents a night. Trucks have largely replaced caravans. But camels, horses and donkeys are still widely used to move goods on trails that can not accommodate vehicles.e2tSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

In a caravan, five to twelve camels are typically roped together head to tail. The caravan leader often rides and even sleeps on the first camel. A bell is tied to the last camel in the line. That way if the caravan leader dozes off and there is a sudden silence the leader is alerted that someone may be trying to steal the camel at the end of the line.  e2tSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

Temperatures in the Pamirs often drop below -12 degrees F. The cameelers wore hats with floppy earflaps and protected their hands with extra-long sleeves. On icy trails sand was often placed on the ice to help the animals get a better grip. At night the camels and cameleers slept in stone shelters, often infested with rats and full of smoke. When the caravan stoped the camels wer prevented from lying down for two hours so they wouldn't get cold from snow melted by their hot bodies.e2tSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

On frozen rivers it was possible to hear water rushing underneath ice that was three feet thick. Sometimes the caravans leaders placed their ears to the ice to listen for weak spots. If they could hear the loud sound of rushing water then they knew the ice was too thin. Sometimes animals broke through and drowned or froze to death. Special care was taken with the heavily loaded camels. When the ice was slippery they walked in mincing steps.e2tSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

The Kyrgyz caravan traversed one high mountain pass. Describing a particularly treacherous stretch on the trail, Sabrina Michaud wrote, "On a narrow ledge over a dizzying precipice, my horse slipped and fell on its forelegs. I pull on the reins and the animals struggles to its feet. Fear dampens my body as we climb onwards...Ahead a camel slips and collapse on the path; it kneels and tries to crawl...Risking their own lives, men unload the animal so that it can stand up, then load it again, and move on."e2tSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

Between towns and oases people on long caravans often slept in yurts or under the stars. Caravanserais, stopping places for caravans, sprang up along the routes, offering lodging, stables and food. They were not all that different from guesthouses used by backpackers today except that people were allowed to stay for free. Owners made their money from charging fees for animals and selling meals and supplies.e2tSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

In the larger towns, the larger caravans stayed for a while, resting and fattening up their animals, purchasing new animals, relaxing and selling or trading goods. To meet their needs were banks, exchange houses, trading firms, markets, brothels and places where one could smoke hashish and opium. Some of these caravan stops became rich cities such like Samarkand and Bukhara.e2tSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

Caravanserai had rooms for caravan members, fodder and resting places for animals and warehouses for storing goods. They were often in small fortresses with guards to protect the caravans from bandits.e2tSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

A typical caravanserai was a set of buildings surrounding an open courtyard, where the animals were kept. The animals were tied to wooden stakes. The rates for a stopover and fodder depended on the animal. Caravanserai owners often supplemented their incomes by gathering manure and selling it for fuel and fertilizer. The price for manure was set according to the animal that produced it and how much straw and grass was mixed in. Cow and donkey manure was regarded as high quality because it burned the hottest and kept mosquitos away.e2tSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

Traders and travelers had problems with local food and foreign languages like modern travelers. They also had to deal with rules prohibiting certain native costumes and get permits to enter city gates, which explained their wants and needs and showed they presented no threat.e2tSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

  The following descriptions come from articles on modern caravans in the Sahara. The information they yield offers some insights into what it must have been like to travel on a Silk Road caravan.e2tSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

A typical caravan needs at least two camels per person—one to carry the person and one to carry supplies—in addition to the camels whatever goods are being transported. [Source: John Hare, National Geographic, December 2002]e2tSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

Camels carry things like blankets, salt, millet and bales of hay in addition to more valuable trading goods. Goods are loaded on cargo racks which were tied on around blankets on the camel's back.e2tSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

In the old days caravans stopped and picked up water and supplies at caravansaries, walled fortresses along major trading routes.e2tSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours
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The main objective is to keep the caravan going. If you stop it can take hours to sort out the mess. Simply unloading and loading a camel can be a time consuming task.e2tSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

The caravaneers most difficult job is loading the camels, which kick, snarl and make vicious noises when they are being loaded. It takes a lot of time to tie the ropes around the camel and its pack and getting the load balanced is important. Camels that are poorly loaded howl and complain until the job is done right.e2tSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

When it is very hot, caravans sometimes stop around 11:00pm, the camels are unloaded and hobbled quickly and with the caravaneers dozing and sleeping on mats near small fires. Tying ropes and doing other chores can sometimes be difficult in the morning because it is so cold.e2tSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

Caravans usually make a fire at night to stay warm in the cold desert. Food included grain or pasta that is carried by the camels and made into stews or soups with items—such as dates, goats, cabbage, onions and peppers—that are purchased along the way in oasis villages. Left overs dinner is eaten for breakfast. Dates are munched for lunch and snacks while the caravan is moving.e2tSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

During the day the wind often blows so strongly that caravaneers have cover their faces and it is impossible to have a conversation with the other people on the caravan. e2tSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

Caravans are led by guides who are as skilled in talking and negotiating higher fees as they are in navigating. There are largely self taught or instructed by relatives or other caravan guides and insist they known every dune. Some guides are very good. Some suck and get lost.e2tSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

Skilled guides generally don’t use maps or even compasses, They look upon global position devices with disgust. Instead they rely primarily on their knowledge of the desert, landmarks, wind directions, sun positions and the stars.e2tSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

Sometimes guides are aiming to reach something as small as difficult-to-find knee-high well. Winds are a big help because they blow relatively consistently based on the time of year and the time of day. Ripples in the sand are regularly checked and a course is plotted by taking the appropriate angle across the ripples.e2tSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

Caravans sometimes go at night following the North Star, early-evening stars knows as “La Ouaza, or the Intermediaries,” which point south, or some other stellar landmark. Guides generally only know a few constellations but claim they can see stars during the day. The problem with traveling at night is that sometimes landmarks seen in the day are missed, and it can also be very cold.e2tSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

Today some people use global positioning devices and satellite phones. e2tSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

Describing the beginning of a caravan, Thomas Abercrombie wrote in National Geographic, "The madouga , or caravan boss, raises his staff, jerks the rope halter of the lead camel, and, to shouts and the clanging of pans and bowls, the half-mile-long train grudgingly lurches forward."e2tSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

Describing a camel journey in southern Arabia in 1946, Wilfred Thesiger wrote: "We left Shisur...in the chill of dawn; the sun was resting on the desert's rim, a red ball without heat. We walked as usual till it grew warm, the camels striding in front of us, a moving mass of legs and necks. Then one by one, as the inclination took us, we climbed up their shoulders and settled in our seats for the long hours which lay ahead...The Arabs sang, 'the full throated roaring of the tribes'; the shuffling camels quickened their pace, thrusting forward across level ground." [Source: Eyewitness to History, edited by John Carey, Avon, 1987]e2tSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

Many caravans starting the reciting of the end of the first chapter of the Koran: "Guide us on the straight path, the path of those you have blessed...not those who have gone astray."  e2tSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

Until the invention of airplanes and motor vehicles camels were the only means of crossing the vast deserts of Africa and Asia. Ironically camels can not cross barren deserts without the help of men. They need men to load grass for them to eat in places with no food and they need them to bring water up with buckets from wells.e2tSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

Camels were known as the "ships of the desert" because they we used primarily in desert areas were no ships could be used. The Koran reads: "on them, as well as in ships, ye ride." Sea travel was much more efficient for long journeys than caravans. A large merchant sailing ship could carry as much as 6,000 camels.e2tSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

Camels are the preferred caravan animal in dry climates. For some one-way caravans camels are bought at the beginning and sold at the end.e2tSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

Great effort is made to keep a caravan moving. If it stops it can take great effort to get it going again. Camels on sand dunes find it easier to wind along the ridge tops than go up and down over the dunes.e2tSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

Camel ticks bite and crawl on the caraveneers. e2tSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

Caravans move at about the speed of a walking man. They typically move 2 or 3 miles an hour for nine hours a day from dawn until mid afternoon. Moving at that rate they can cover 1,000 miles in five to eight weeks. Describing a camel on a sand dune, John Hare wrote in National Geographic: “Although the camels sank hock deep in the loose, powdery sand, they struggled on, snaking around, up and over the dunes, grunting when the uphill going was difficult and surging forward on the downhill slopes.”e2tSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

In the desert and on caravans camels are usually tethered head to tail in a line. Otherwise they tend to become disorderly and head any direction they want. They have to be kept going at the same pace. If not their tethers might break and then there would be a big mess. If they sense water or danger ahead they tend to close formation. Caravan camels are seldom ridden, they are used primarily as pack animals.e2tSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

At oases the camels can eat palm fronds. Around wells they can feed on tamarisk and acacia trees. In barren areas the can feed on rough grasses and shrubs. Their riders can win their camel’s hearts by sharing some of their dates with them.e2tSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

Along the caravan route where there is no vegetation camels are fed fed grass carried by the caravan, which the caraveeners sometimes sleep on at night.. Calculating how much grass to carry is important. If you carry to much the camels are unnecessarily burdened. If you don’t bring enough they go hungry. Although camels can go a long time without drinking if they work hard they need food to keep them going. When they haven’t eaten and their stomachs are empty their breath gives off a horrible smell. e2tSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

  If camels start to stumble it a sign that are dangerously sick or exhausted. In some places if a camel becomes sick or exhausted it is bled. If their feet are swollen or cracked sometimes boots are made for them from sheepskin or inner tube rubber. Caravaneers often rise before dawn and cauterize wounds on the camels caused by chaffing from the cargo racks.e2tSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

If a camel can no longer go on it is abandoned. You can’t risk the other animals or the people. About making such a decision, caravan leader John Hare wrote in National Geographic: “At about 4 p.m. I am forced to abandon the exhausted camel which is being dragged along by its rope at the tail end of the other camels in the caravan. I hate doing it, but I know now there is no alternative. So we release the poor creature that has served us so well, to an inevitable end.”e2tSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

Many desert tribes don’t like to kill animals by shoting them or slitting their throats so they simply let them go. Some caravan routes are lined with the bones of thousands of camels.e2tSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

If a calf is born in the middle of a long journey, the caravan can not stop while it gains enough strength to walk for a long distance. The calf is placed in a hammock and tied onto a large camel, who is also carrying a large load, with the mother trailing behind. The calf is not placed with her mother because if she can't see her offspring she goes into a panic and starts heading in the direction of the place she last saw her calf. e2tSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

Large long-distance caravans had mostly disappeared by the 19th century but regional ones are still in use in harsh regions where other means of transportation are scarce.e2tSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

Most caravans have been replaced by diesel trucks, jeeps and cargo planes. But in soft sand that causes vehicles to bog down nothing beats a camel. Speaking in defense of camels, one caravan leader told National Geographic, "The trucks are expensive to buy and maintain while camels are inexpensive to keep...If you are not rich there is only one answer: camels."e2tSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

Most of the great Saharan oasis languish as ghost towns, market towns or military outposts. There used be hundreds, if not thousands of guides. Now there are only dozens and many get more business from tourist firms than merchants and traders.e2tSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

Image Sources: Desert towns and and last caravan, CNTO; 1st caravan, Frank and D. Brownestone, Silk Road Foundation; others, Silk Road Foundatione2tSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

Text Sources: New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Times of London, National Geographic, The New Yorker, Time, Newsweek, Reuters, AP, Lonely Planet Guides, Compton’s Encyclopedia and various books and other publications.e2tSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

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