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Ethnic Groups & Religions on the Silk Road - Uygur

There are more than 15 local ethnic groups settel down for a long history and other over 30 ethnic minorities scatter over there along the Silk Road China. The ethnic minorities believe in Islam, Lamaism (Tibetan Buddhism), Buddhism, Christianity, Catholicism, Eastern Orthodox, Shamanism and more religions.eJkSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

Islam is the most inflential religion around the region. More than 11.3 million population of the Uighurs, the Kazakhs, the Hui people, the Kirgiz, the Tajiks, the Uzbeks, the Tartars, the Sala people, Dongxian and Baoan and more tribes are Muslims. The second largest religion is the Tibetan Lamaism. The branches of Chinese Islamic Association, The Islamic Koran college and Chinese Buddhist Association are major relegious organization in the region.eJkSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

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The Uygur PeopleeJkSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours
Population:eJkSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours
The largest ethnic group of 8,823,500 in 2003, 45.62 percent of the Xinjiang's population.eJkSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

Living Areas:eJkSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours
the Uighurs mostly live in Hotan, Kashi and Aksu areas, south of the Tianshan Mountains, Xinjiang.eJkSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours
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Language: eJkSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours
The Uygur language belongs to the Turkic branch of the Altaic language family with written form based on Arabic script.eJkSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

Economy: eJkSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours
Traditionally, the Uygurs live on farming, with some engaging in commercial businesses, animal husbandry and handicraft.eJkSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

Diet: eJkSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours
Wheat flour and rice are traditional staple foods. Favorite foods include milk tea, pita bread and stuffed buns.eJkSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

Holidays: eJkSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours
The major Uygur holidays are Corban, Rosun and Noluzi.eJkSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

Residences: eJkSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours
Uygurs' homes are commonly wooden-framed adobe bungalows, but some better-off families build their own houses with a porch and carved or painted ornaments.eJkSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

Costume: eJkSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours
Traditional gowns worn by Uygur men are called Qiapan. Women wear primary colored dresses with embroidered skull caps. Nowadays, they tend to wear Western-style clothes.eJkSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

Religion: eJkSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours
The Uygurs used to practice different religions, including Shamanism, Manichaeism, Nestorianism, Zoroastrianism and Buddhism. They started to convert to Islam in the early 10th century.eJkSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours
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Marriage: eJkSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours
Monogamy is the norm among Uygurs. Conventionally, meticulous arrangements had to be made by the bride and groom's parents – matchmaking, proposal, betrothal gift negotiation, betrothal ceremony, a religious ceremony and the wedding itself. Ceremonies would be grand events lasting for three days. Both the bride and groom's families give dinner parties during the wedding, and guests would present gifts to the newly-weds.eJkSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

History: eJkSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours
The word "Uygur" itself means "unity" or "alliance," describing the ethnic group's formation. Their origins can be traced back to the 3rd century BC. Nomads calling themselves Dingling used to live on the steppe by Lake Baikal. In the 5th century the tribe was called Tiele. An alliance was formed between them and other nomadic tribes against Turkic invasions in the 7th century, and the name Uighur (now spelled Uygur) began to be used.eJkSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours
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In 840, however, the Turkic Kirghiz conquered the Uighur Khanate. A majority of the Uighurs then moved westwards into the Western Region. There, nomadism began to give way to settled farming. The Uighurs mixed with native Yutian, Shule and Guizi people who lived on the rim of the Tarim Basin, as well as Han settlers who migrated to the region during the time of the Han Dynasty (206 BC – AD 220). This group later intermingled with Tibetan, Khitan and Mongolian tribes as well. By the early 13th century, the Uygur ethnic group had taken its present shape.eJkSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours
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Culture: eJkSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours
The Uygurs have a long and rich cultural tradition. Among writings passed down are the Turkic Dictionary and Kutadolu Bilq (Blessings and Wisdom).eJkSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

The serial epic Twelve Mukams is well-known, as are a variety of dances and diverse musical instruments. Sports include "ran off with a sheep," swing and wrestling. Maixilaipu is another popular form of entertainment combining music, narration and poetry.eJkSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

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