In order to effectively improve the tourism safety management, to ensure the safety of tourist and heritage site, Mogao caves will strictly enforce maximum daily visitor’s capacity of 6,000 people.
During the peak season of tourism, when number of daily visitors exceeds the maximum capacity the extra large visitors emergency plan will be duly started up.
The extra large visitors emergency plan has been proposed to start up on odd-numbered days of July and even-numbered days of August. Visitors could visit 4 classical large caves, Dunhuang Institute history museum and Dunhuang caves Protection Exhibition Centre.
40 caves normally open
2、16、17、25、29、46、55、61、71、94、96、130*、171、334、148、202、203、231、237、244、246、249、251、257、259、292、314、329、332、335、340、341、384、397、407、409、420、427、428、445。(*Cave 130 open since May 1st)
20 adjustment caves
10 special caves