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Zhangye Danxia National Geopark entered the tourist season in advance

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Since the beginning of summer, the colorful Danxia scenic spot in Zhangye Global Geopark, known as one of the world's ten magical geographical wonders, has ushered in a wave of tourism peaks in advance. According to statistics, as of June 18, Zhangye colorful Danxia tourist area received 693,000 tourists this year, an increase of 34.6%, a record high in the same period of the colorful Danxia tourist reception, a single day tourist reception 20 days ahead of the previous year to break the 10,000 mark.GwZSilk Road Adventure & Private Tours - Silk Road China Tours

As the only complex area of Danxia landform and colorful hills in the world, Zhangye colorful Danxia Scenic Spot enjoys a worldwide reputation for its gorgeous colors and unique shapes. It is one of the top ten magical geographical wonders in the world and one of the 22 most unforgettable scenery in the world, and has become a destination for Chinese and foreign tourists. After the end of the college entrance examination, tourists flocked from all directions, crowded on the viewing platforms in the scenic spot, and tourists raised their mobile phones to freeze their beautiful encounter with the "colorful picture scroll". "The scenery is very magnificent, and the uncanny workmanship of nature is deeply shocking" "The 'God overturned color palette' is indeed worthy of its name, and the colorful hills are extremely spectacular"... In the scenic area of seven rainbow clouds observation platform, many tourists issued sincere admiration.
In order to effectively cope with the peak tourism period, Zhangye Danxia Grand Scenic Area Management Committee coordinated the Linze County government to arrange 32 law enforcement personnel from 12 departments, and carried out law enforcement supervision regularly in Danxia Qicai Town during the tourist peak season to provide all-round and whole-process services for tourists to "eat, stay, travel, purchase and entertainment". Scenic spots plan in advance, carefully prepare, make full use of big data platform scientific research and judgment, efficiently dispatch manpower, material resources and facilities and equipment, introduce more advanced ticket sales and inspection equipment, ticket booking and electronic payment systems, increase the frequency of vehicle operation, extend the ticketing time, increase patrol monitoring, and deploy the staff of the organ to support the operation of the front line to ease traffic and maintain order. Upgrade the infrastructure such as water supply, sewage and electricity lines in the scenic area, organize the implementation of the renovation and upgrading of major projects such as scenic landscape, tourist service center, square ring road and parking lot, further improve the comprehensive service capacity of the scenic area, and provide tourists with more high-quality and convenient services. At the same time, the development of Danxia night tour, leisure vacation, popular science research, photography, fitness camping, folk culture experience, low altitude sightseeing, travel photography, camel sightseeing and other tourism products, to further enrich tourism consumption items, meet the diversified choices of tourists, so that tourists can travel comfortably and have fun.


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